Biomedical Hallmarks
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Reproducibility of and correspondence among different hepcidin forms in blood and urine and their relationships to iron status in healthy, male Guatemalan volunteers observed over 9 weeksSchuemann K, Solomons NW, Laarakkers CM, Romero-Abal ME, Kroll S, Weiss G, Swinkels DW. Ann Nutr Metab 2011;58(2):158-66.
Reproducibility of and correspondence among different hepcidin forms in blood and urine and their relationships to iron status in healthy, male Guatemalan volunteers observed over 9 weeksSchuemann K, Solomons NW, Laarakkers CM, Romero-Abal ME, Kroll S, Weiss G, Swinkels DW. Ann Nutr Metab 2011;58(2):158-66.
Hepcidin in the diagnosis of iron disordersGirelli D, Nemeth E, Swinkels DW. Blood 2016; 127(23):2809-13.
The iron link between malaria and invasive non-typhoid Salmonella infectionsvan Santen S, de Mast Q, Swinkels DW, van der Ven AJ. Trends Parasitol 2013;29(5):220-7.
Iron metabolism in the pathogenesis of iron-induced kidney injuryMartines AM, Masereeuw R, Tjalsma H, Hoenderop JG, Wetzels JF, Swinkels DW. Nat Rev Nephrol 2013;9(7):385-98.
Dietary hemoglobin rescues young piglets from severe iron deficiency anemia: Duodenal expression profile of genes involved in heme iron absorptionStaroń R, Lipiński P, Lenartowicz M, Bednarz A, Gajowiak A, Smuda E, Krzeptowski W, Pieszka M, Korolonek T, Hamza I, Swinkels DW, Van Swelm RPL, Starzyński RR. PLoS ONE 2017;12(7):e0181117
Urinary hepcidin levels in iron-deficient and iron-supplemented piglets correlate with hepcidin hepatic mRNA and serum levels and with body iron statusStaroń R, Van Swelm RP, Lipiński P, Gajowiak A, Lenartowicz M, Bednarz A, Gajewska M, Pieszka M, Laarakkers CM, Swinkels DW, Starzyński RR. PLoS One 2015;10(8):e0136695.
The value of soluble transferrin receptor and hepcidin in the assessment of iron status in children with cystic fibrosisUijterschout L, Swinkels DW, Akkermans MD, Zandstra T, Nuijsink M, Hendriks D, Hudig C, Tjalsma H, Vos R, van Goudoever JB, Brus F. J Cyst Fibros 2014;13(6):639-44.
Acute hypoxic exercise does not alter post-exercise iron metabolism in moderately trained endurance athletesGovus AD, Abbiss CR, Garvican-Lewis LA, Swinkels DW, Laarakkers CM, Gore CJ, Peeling P. Eur J Appl Physiol 2014;114(10):2183-91.
Adaptation of iron transport and metabolism to acute high-altitude hypoxia in mountaineersGoetze O, Schmitt J, Spliethoff K, Theurl I, Weiss G, Swinkels DW, Tjalsma H, Maggiorini M, Krayenbühl P, Rau M, Fruehauf H, Wojtal KA, Müllhaupt B, Fried M, Gassmann M, Lutz T, Geier A. Hepatology 2013;58(6):2153-62.
Plasma hepcidin concentrations significantly predict interindividual variation in iron absorption in healthy menRoe MA, Collings R, Dainty JR, Swinkels DW, Fairweather-Tait SJ. Am J Clin Nutr 2009;89(4):1088-91.
Hepcidin suppression and defective iron recycling account for dysregulation of iron homeostasis in heme oxygenase-1 deficiencyKartikasari AE, Wagener FA, Yachie A, Wiegerinck ET, Kemna EH, Swinkels DW. J Cell Mol Med 2009;13(9B):3091-102.
Regulation of hepcidin: insights from biochemical analyses on human serum samplesKemna EH, Kartikasari AE, van Tits LJ, Pickkers P, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW. Blood Cells Mol Dis 2008;40(3):339-46.
Hereditary hemochromatosis
Novel observations in hereditary hemochromatosis: potential implications for clinical strategiesSwinkels DW, Fleming RE. Haematologica 2011;96(4):485-8.
Diagnosis and management of hereditary haemochromatosisvan Bokhoven MA, van Deursen CT, Swinkels DW. BMJ 2011;342:c7251.
Serum hepcidin levels are innately low in HFE-related haemochromatosis but differ between C282Y-homozygotes with elevated and normal ferritin levelsvan Dijk BA, Laarakkers CM, Klaver SM, Jacobs EM, van Tits LJ, Janssen MC, Swinkels DW. Br J Haematol 2008;142(6):979-85.
Renal disorders
Endogenous hepcidin synthesis protects the distal nephron against hemin and hemoglobin mediated necroptosisvan Swelm RPL, Vos M, Verhoeven F, Thévenod F, Swinkels DW. Cell Death Dis 2018;9(5):550.
Renal handling of circulating and renal-synthesized hepcidin and its protective effects against hemoglobin-mediated kidney injuryvan Swelm RP, Wetzels JF, Verweij VG, Laarakkers CM, Pertijs JC, van der Wijst J, Thévenod F, Masereeuw R, Swinkels DW. J Am Soc Nephrol 2016; 27(9):2720-32
Hepcidin in chronic kidney disease: not an anaemia management tool, but promising as a cardiovascular biomarkervan der Weerd NC, Grooteman MP, Nubé MJ, ter Wee PM, Swinkels DW, Gaillard CA. Neth J Med 2015;73(3):108-18.
Parenteral iron therapy in chronic kidney disease or chronic heart failureEisenga MF, Diepenbroek A, Swinkels DW, Bakker SJ, van der Meer P, Gaillard CA. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2015;159:A8769.
The growth attainment, hematological, iron status and inflammatory profile of Guatemalan juvenile end-stage renal disease patientsCasimiro de Almeida J, Lou-Meda R, Olbert M, Seifert M, Weiss G, Wiegerinck ET, Swinkels DW, Solomons NW, Schümann K. PLoS One 2015;10(10):e0140062.
Left ventricular mass in dialysis patients, determinants and relation with outcome. Results from the COnvective TRansport STudy (CONTRASTMostovaya IM, Bots ML, van den Dorpel MA, Goldschmeding R, den Hoedt CH, Kamp O, Levesque R, Mazairac AH, Penne EL, Swinkels DW, van der Weerd NC, Ter Wee PM, Nubé MJ, Blankestijn PJ, Grooteman MP. PLoS One 2014;9(2):e84587.
Hepcidin-25 is related to cardiovascular events in chronic haemodialysis patientsvan der Weerd NC, Grooteman MP, Bots ML, van den Dorpel MA, den Hoedt CH, Mazairac AH, Nubé MJ, Penne EL, Wetzels JF, Wiegerinck ET, Swinkels DW, Blankestijn PJ, Ter Wee PM; CONTRAST Investigators. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2013;28(12):3062-71.
Tubular reabsorption and local production of urine hepcidin-25Peters HP, Laarakkers CM, Pickkers P, Masereeuw R, Boerman OC, Eek A, Cornelissen EA, Swinkels DW, Wetzels JF. BMC Nephrol 2013;14:70.
Intra-individual variability of serum hepcidin-25 in haemodialysis patients using mass spectrometry and ELISAPeters HP, Rumjon A, Bansal SS, Laarakkers CM, van den Brand JA, Sarafidis P, Musto R, Malyszko J, Swinkels DW, Wetzels JF, Macdougall IC. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2012;27(10):3923-9.
Hepcidin-25 in chronic hemodialysis patients is related to residual kidney function and not to treatment with erythropoiesis stimulating agentsvan der Weerd NC, Grooteman MP, Bots ML, van den Dorpel MA, den Hoedt CH, Mazairac AH, Nubé MJ, Penne EL, Gaillard CA, Wetzels JF, Wiegerinck ET, Swinkels DW, Blankestijn PJ, Ter Wee PM; CONTRAST Investigators. PLoS One 2012;7(7):e39783.
Hepcidin-25 is a marker of the response rather than resistance to exogenous erythropoietin in chronic kidney disease/chronic heart failure patientsvan der Putten K, Jie KE, van den Broek D, Kraaijenhagen RJ, Laarakkers C, Swinkels DW, Braam B, Gaillard CA. Eur J Heart Fail 2010 Sep;12(9):943-50.
Serum hepcidin-25 levels in patients with chronic kidney disease are independent of glomerular filtration ratePeters HP, Laarakkers CM, Swinkels DW, Wetzels JF. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2010;25(3):848-53.
Hepcidin serum levels and resistance to recombinant human erythropoietin therapy in haemodialysis patientsCosta E, Swinkels DW, Laarakkers CM, Rocha-Pereira P, Rocha S, Reis F, Teixeira F, Miranda V, do Sameiro Faria M, Loureiro A, Quintanilha A, Belo L, Santos-Silva A. Acta Haematol 2009;122(4):226-9.
Hepcidin levels in acute kidney injury following cardiopulmonary bypass graftingLaarakkers CM, Wetzels JF, Swinkels DW. Am J Kidney Dis 2009;54(5):979; author reply 980.
Hepcidin levels in acute kidney injury following cardiopulmonary bypass graftingLaarakkers CM, Wetzels JF, Swinkels DW. Am J Kidney Dis 2009;54(5):979; author reply 980.
Hepcidin levels in patients with renal diseasePeters HP, Laarakkers CM, Wetzels JF, Swinkels DW. Kidney Int 2009;76(6):680; author reply 680-1.
Hepcidin: a new tool in the management of anaemia in patients with chronic kidney disease?Swinkels DW, Wetzels JF. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2008;23(8):2450-3.
Cardiovascular disorders
Serum ferritin and risk for new-onset heart failure and cardiovascular events in the communityKlip IT, Voors AA, Swinkels DW, Bakker SJ, Kootstra-Ros JE, Lam CS, van der Harst P, van Veldhuisen DJ, van der Meer P. Eur J Heart Fail 2017;19(3):348-356.
Iron and hepcidin as risk factors in atherosclerosis: what do the genes say?Galesloot TE, Janss LL, Burgess S, Kiemeney LA, den Heijer M, de Graaf J, Holewijn S, Benyamin B, Whitfield JB, Swinkels DW, Vermeulen SH. BMC Genet 2015;16:79.
Serum hepcidin is associated with presence of plaque in postmenopausal women of a general populationGalesloot TE, Holewijn S, Kiemeney LA, de Graaf J, Vermeulen SH, Swinkels DW. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2014;34(2):446-56.
The effect of frequent whole blood donation on ferritin, hepcidin, and subclinical atherosclerosisPeffer K, den Heijer M, Holewijn S, de Graaf J, Swinkels DW, Verbeek AL, Atsma F. Transfusion 2013;53(7):1468-74.
Serum hepcidin and macrophage iron correlate with MCP-1 release and vascular damage in patients with metabolic syndrome alterationsValenti L, Dongiovanni P, Motta BM, Swinkels DW, Bonara P, Rametta R, Burdick L, Frugoni C, Fracanzani AL, Fargion S. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2011;31(3):683-90.
Hepcidin in anemia of chronic heart failureDivakaran V, Mehta S, Yao D, Hassan S, Simpson S, Wiegerinck E, Swinkels DW, Mann DL, Afshar-Kharghan V. Am J Hematol 2011;86(1):107-9.
Inflammatory and infectious disorders
Seven days of high carbohydrate ingestion does not attenuate post-exercise IL-6 and hepcidin levelsBadenhorst CE, Dawson B, Cox GR, Sim M, Laarakkers CM, Swinkels DW, Peeling P. Eur J Appl Physiol 2016;116(9):1715-24.
In Ivorian school-age children, infection with hookworm does not reduce dietary iron absorption or systemic iron utilization, whereas afebrile Plasmodium falciparum infection reduces iron absorption by halfGlinz D, Hurrell RF, Righetti AA, Zeder C, Adiossan LG, Tjalsma H, Utzinger J, Zimmermann MB, N'Goran EK, Wegmüller R. Am J Clin Nutr 2015;101(3):462-70.
Oral contraception does not alter typical post-exercise interleukin-6 and hepcidin levels in femalesSim M, Dawson B, Landers G, Swinkels DW, Tjalsma H, Yeap BB, Trinder D, Peeling P. J Sci Med Sport 2015;18(1):8-12.
The aetiology of anaemia during pregnancy: a study to evaluate the contribution of iron deficiency and common infections in pregnant Ugandan womenBaingana RK, Enyaru JK, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW, Davidsson L. Public Health Nutr 2015;18(8):1423-35.
Hematologic parameters predicting a response to oral iron therapy in chronic inflammationvan Santen S, de Mast Q, Oosting JD, van Ede A, Swinkels DW, van der Ven AJ. Haematologica 2014;99(9):e171-3.
Conventional and novel peripheral blood iron markers compared against bone marrow in Malawian childrenJonker FA, Boele van Hensbroek M, Leenstra T, Vet RJ, Brabin BJ, Maseko N, Gushu MB, Emana M, Kraaijenhagen R, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW, Calis JC. J Clin Pathol 2014;67(8):717-23.
Effect of the antihepcidin Spiegelmer lexaptepid on inflammation-induced decrease in serum iron in humansvan Eijk LT, John AS, Schwoebel F, Summo L, Vauléon S, Zöllner S, Laarakkers CM, Kox M, van der Hoeven JG, Swinkels DW, Riecke K, Pickkers P. Blood 2014;124(17):2643-6.
Iron status and systemic inflammation, but not gut inflammation, strongly predict gender-specific concentrations of serum hepcidin in infants in rural KenyaJaeggi T, Moretti D, Kvalsvig J, Holding PA, Tjalsma H, Kortman GA, Joosten I, Mwangi A, Zimmermann MB. PLoS One 2013;8(2):e57513.
The effects of the anti-hepcidin Spiegelmer NOX-H94 on inflammation-induced anemia in cynomolgus monkeysSchwoebel F, van Eijk LT, Zboralski D, Sell S, Buchner K, Maasch C, Purschke WG, Humphrey M, Zöllner S, Eulberg D, Morich F, Pickkers P, Klussmann S. Blood 2013;121(12):2311-5.
Transient impairment of reticulocyte hemoglobin content and hepcidin-25 induction in patients with community-acquired pneumoniaSchoorl M, Snijders D, Schoorl M, Boersma WG, Bartels PC. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2013;73(1):54-60.
Anemia in diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphima: the role of interleukin-6, hepcidin and erythropoietinStarzyński RR, Laarakkers CM, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW, Pieszka M, Styś A, Mickiewicz M, Lipiński P. PLoS One 2013;8(5):e64022.
Inverse relationship of serum hepcidin levels with CD4 cell counts in HIV-infected patients selected from an Indonesian prospective cohort studyWisaksana R, de Mast Q, Alisjahbana B, Jusuf H, Sudjana P, Indrati AR, Sumantri R, Swinkels D, van Crevel R, van der Ven A. PLoS One 2013;8(11):e79904.
Low hepcidin levels in severely anemic malawian children with high incidence of infectious diseases and bone marrow iron deficiencyJonker FA, Calis JC, Phiri K, Kraaijenhagen RJ, Brabin BJ, Faragher B, Wiegerinck ET, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW, van Hensbroek MB. PLoS One 2013;8(12):e78964.
Hepcidin and hemoglobin content parameters in the diagnosis of iron deficiency in rheumatoid arthritis patients with anemiavan Santen S, van Dongen-Lases EC, de Vegt F, Laarakkers CM, van Riel PL, van Ede AE, Swinkels DW. Arthritis Rheum 2011;63(12):3672-80.
Hepcidin in malaria superinfection: can findings be translated to humans?van Santen S, de Mast Q, Swinkels DW, van der Ven AJ. Nat Med 2011;17(11):1341; author reply 1341-2.
Inflammation-induced hepcidin-25 is associated with the development of anemia in septic patients: an observational studyvan Eijk LT, Kroot JJ, Tromp M, van der Hoeven JG, Swinkels DW, Pickkers P. Crit Care 2011;15(1):R9.
Iron homeostasis in mother and child during placental malaria infectionVan Santen S, de Mast Q, Luty AJ, Wiegerinck ET, Van der Ven AJ, Swinkels DW. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2011;84(1):148-51.
Afebrile Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia decreases absorption of fortification iron but does not affect systemic iron utilization: a double stable-isotope study in young Beninese womenCercamondi CI, Egli IM, Ahouandjinou E, Dossa R, Zeder C, Salami L, Tjalsma H, Wiegerinck E, Tanno T, Hurrell RF, Hounhouigan J, Zimmermann MB. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;92(6):1385-92.
Increased serum hepcidin and alterations in blood iron parameters associated with asymptomatic P. falciparum and P. vivax malariade Mast Q, Syafruddin D, Keijmel S, Riekerink TO, Deky O, Asih PB, Swinkels DW, van der Ven AJ. Haematologica 2010;95(7):1068-74.
Time-course analysis of serum hepcidin, iron and cytokines in a C282Y homozygous patient with Schnitzler's syndrome treated with IL-1 receptor antagonistvan Deuren M, Kroot JJ, Swinkels DW. Haematologica 2009;94(9):1297-300.
Mild increases in serum hepcidin and interleukin-6 concentrations impair iron incorporation in haemoglobin during an experimental human malaria infectionde Mast Q, van Dongen-Lases EC, Swinkels DW, Nieman AE, Roestenberg M, Druilhe P, Arens TA, Luty AJ, Hermsen CC, Sauerwein RW, van der Ven AJ. Br J Haematol 2009;145(5):657-64.
Urinary hepcidin excretion in patients with low grade myelodysplastic syndromeMurphy PT, Mitra S, Gleeson M, Desmond R, Swinkels DW. Br J Haematol 2009;144(3):451-2.
Assessment of urinary concentrations of hepcidin provides novel insight into disturbances in iron homeostasis during malarial infectionde Mast Q, Nadjm B, Reyburn H, Kemna EH, Amos B, Laarakkers CM, Silalye S, Verhoef H, Sauerwein RW, Swinkels DW, van der Ven AJ. J Infect Dis 2009;199(2):253-62.
An insight into the relationships between hepcidin, anemia, infections and inflammatory cytokines in pediatric refugees: a cross-sectional studyCherian S, Forbes DA, Cook AG, Sanfilippo FM, Kemna EH, Swinkels DW, Burgner DP. PLoS One 2008;3(12):e4030.
Time-course analysis of hepcidin, serum iron, and plasma cytokine levels in humans injected with LPSKemna E, Pickkers P, Nemeth E, van der Hoeven H, Swinkels D. Blood 2005;106(5):1864-6.
Hematological disorders
Iron absorption from oral iron supplements given on consecutive versus alternate days and as single morning doses versus twice-daily split dosing in iron-depleted women: two open-label, randomised controlled trialsStoffel NU, Cercamondi CI, Brittenham G, Zeder C, Geurts-Moespot AJ, Swinkels DW, Moretti D, Zimmermann MB. Lancet Haematol 2017;4(11):e524-533.
Course of iron parameters in HFE-hemochromatosis patients during initial treatment with erythrocytapheresis compared to phlebotomyRombout-Sestrienkova E, Koek GH, Neslo R, van Kraaij M, Menheere PP, Masclee A, Swinkels DW. J Clin Apher 2016 [Epub ahead of print].
Microcytic anaemia with low transferrin saturation, increased serum hepcidin and non-synonymous TMPRSS6 variants: not always iron-refractory iron deficiency anaemia.Donker AE, Brons PP, Swinkels DW. Br J Haematol 2015;169(1):150-1.
Differences in the erythropoiesis-hepcidin-iron store axis between hemoglobin H disease and β-thalassemia intermediaOriga R, Cazzola M, Mereu E, Danjou F, Barella S, Giagu N, Galanello R, Swinkels DW. Haematologica 2015;100(5):e169-71.
Serum hepcidin following autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation: an illustration of the interplay of iron status, erythropoiesis and inflammationJaspers A, Baron F, Willems E, Seidel L, Wiegerinck ET, Swinkels DW, Beguin Y. Haematologica 2014;99(3):e35-7.
Hematologic parameters predicting a response to oral iron therapy in chronic inflammationvan Santen S, de Mast Q, Oosting JD, van Ede A, Swinkels DW, van der Ven AJ. Haematologica 2014;99(9):e171-3.
High levels of soluble serum hemojuvelin in patients with congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type IShalev H, Perez-Avraham G, Kapelushnik J, Levi I, Rabinovich A, Swinkels DW, Brasse-Lagnel C, Tamary H. Eur J Haematol 2013;90(1):31-6.
Inappropriately low hepcidin levels in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome carrying a somatic mutation of SF3B1Ambaglio I, Malcovati L, Papaemmanuil E, Laarakkers CM, Della Porta MG, Gallì A, Da Vià MC, Bono E, Ubezio M, Travaglino E, Albertini R, Campbell PJ, Swinkels DW, Cazzola M. Haematologica 2013;98(3):420-3.
Anemia in diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphima: the role of interleukin-6, hepcidin and erythropoietinStarzyński RR, Laarakkers CM, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW, Pieszka M, Styś A, Mickiewicz M, Lipiński P. PLoS One 2013;8(5):e64022.
Growth differentiation factor 15 in patients with congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia (CDA) type IICasanovas G, Swinkels DW, Altamura S, Schwarz K, Laarakkers CM, Gross HJ, Wiesneth M, Heimpel H, Muckenthaler MU. J Mol Med (Berl) 2011;89(8):811-6.
Anemia in Hodgkin's lymphoma: the role of interleukin-6 and hepcidinHohaus S, Massini G, Giachelia M, Vannata B, Bozzoli V, Cuccaro A, D'Alo' F, Larocca LM, Raymakers RA, Swinkels DW, Voso MT, Leone G. J Clin Oncol 2010;28(15):2538-43.
Recent advances in the understanding of iron overload in sideroblastic myelodysplastic syndromeCuijpers ML, Raymakers RA, Mackenzie MA, de Witte TJ, Swinkels DW. Br J Haematol 2010;149(3):322-33.
Haematologic data, iron parameters and molecular findings in two new cases of iron-refractory iron deficiency anaemiaTchou I, Diepold M, Pilotto PA, Swinkels D, Neerman-Arbez M, Beris P. Eur J Haematol 2009;83(6):595-602.
Regulation of serum hepcidin levels in sickle cell diseaseKroot JJ, Laarakkers CM, Kemna EH, Biemond BJ, Swinkels DW. Haematologica 2009;94(6):885-7.
Elevated growth differentiation factor 15 expression in patients with congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type ITamary H, Shalev H, Perez-Avraham G, Zoldan M, Levi I, Swinkels DW, Tanno T, Miller JL. Blood 2008;112(13):5241-4.
Overweight impairs efficacy of iron supplementation in iron-deficient South African children: a randomized controlled interventionBaumgartner J, Smuts CM, Aeberli I, Malan L, Tjalsma H, Zimmermann MB. Int J Obes (Lond) 2013;37(1):24-30.
Effect of body mass index reduction on serum hepcidin levels and iron status in obese childrenAmato A, Santoro N, Calabrò P, Grandone A, Swinkels DW, Perrone L, del Giudice EM. Int J Obes (Lond) 2010;34(12):1772-4.
Hepcidin in obese children as a potential mediator of the association between obesity and iron deficiencydel Giudice EM, Santoro N, Amato A, Brienza C, Calabrò P, Wiegerinck ET, Cirillo G, Tartaglione N, Grandone A, Swinkels DW, Perrone L. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2009;94(12):5102-7.
Plasma hepcidin levels and anemia in old age. The Leiden 85-Plus Studyden Elzen WP, de Craen AJ, Wiegerinck ET, Westendorp RG, Swinkels DW, Gussekloo J. Haematologica 2013;98(3):448-54.
Transfusion medicine
Donation intensity and metabolic syndrome in active whole-blood donorsPeffer K, Verbeek AL, Swinkels DW, Geurts-Moespot AJ, den Heijer M, Atsma F. Vox Sang 2015;109(1):25-34.
Interleukin-6 and Hepcidin Levels during Hormone-Deplete and Hormone-Replete Phases of an Oral Contraceptive Cycle: A Pilot StudySim M, Dawson B, Landers G, Swinkels DW, Wiegerinck E, Yeap BB, Trinder D, Peeling P. Ann Nutr Metab 2017;70(2):100-105.
Factors influencing the post-exercise hepcidin-25 response in elite athletesPeeling P, McKay AKA, Pyne DB, Guelfi KJ, McCormick RH, Laarakkers CM, Swinkels DW, Garvican-Lewis LA, Ross MLR, Sharma AP, Leckey JJ, Burke LM. Eur J Appl Physiol 2017;117(6):1233-1239.
Seven days of high carbohydrate ingestion does not attenuate post-exercise IL-6 and hepcidin levelsBadenhorst CE, Dawson B, Cox GR, Sim M, Laarakkers CM, Swinkels DW, Peeling P. Eur J Appl Physiol 2016;116(9):1715-24.
Live high, train low - influence on resting and post-exercise hepcidin levels.Govus AD, Peeling P, Abbiss CR, Lawler NG, Swinkels DW, Laarakkers CM, Thompson KG, Peiffer JJ, Gore CJ, Garvican-Lewis LA. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2016.
Timing of post-exercise carbohydrate ingestion: influence on IL-6 and hepcidin responsesBadenhorst CE, Dawson B, Cox GR, Laarakkers CM, Swinkels DW, Peeling P. Eur J Appl Physiol 2015;115(10):2215-22.
Acute dietary carbohydrate manipulation and the subsequent inflammatory and hepcidin responses to exerciseBadenhorst CE, Dawson B, Cox GR, Laarakkers CM, Swinkels DW, Peeling P. Eur J Appl Physiol 2015;115(12):2521-30.
Influence of post-exercise hypoxic exposure on hepcidin response in athletesBadenhorst CE, Dawson B, Goodman C, Sim M, Cox GR, Gore CJ, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW, Peeling P. Eur J Appl Physiol 2014;114(5):951-9.
Iron status and the acute post-exercise hepcidin response in athletesPeeling P, Sim M, Badenhorst CE, Dawson B, Govus AD, Abbiss CR, Swinkels DW, Trinder D. PLoS One 2014;9(3):e93002.
A seven day running training period increases basal urinary hepcidin levels as compared to cyclingSim M, Dawson B, Landers GJ, Swinkels DW, Tjalsma H, Wiegerinck ET, Trinder D, Peeling P. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2014;11(1):14.
Acute hypoxic exercise does not alter post-exercise iron metabolism in moderately trained endurance athletesGovus AD, Abbiss CR, Garvican-Lewis LA, Swinkels DW, Laarakkers CM, Gore CJ, Peeling P. Eur J Appl Physiol 2014;114(10):2183-91.
Effect of exercise modality and intensity on post-exercise interleukin-6 and hepcidin levelsSim M, Dawson B, Landers G, Swinkels DW, Tjalsma H, Trinder D, Peeling P. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2013;23(2):178-86.
The effects of acute exercise bouts on hepcidin in womenNewlin MK, Williams S, McNamara T, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW, Haymes EM. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2012;22(2):79-88.
The effects of carbohydrate ingestion during endurance running on post-exercise inflammation and hepcidin levelsSim M, Dawson B, Landers G, Wiegerinck ET, Swinkels DW, Townsend MA, Trinder D, Peeling P. Eur J Appl Physiol 2012;112(5):1889-98.
Effects of exercise on hepcidin response and iron metabolism during recoveryPeeling P, Dawson B, Goodman C, Landers G, Wiegerinck ET, Swinkels DW, Trinder D. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2009;19(6):583-97.
Training surface and intensity: inflammation, hemolysis, and hepcidin expressionPeeling P, Dawson B, Goodman C, Landers G, Wiegerinck ET, Swinkels DW, Trinder D. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2009;41(5):1138-45.
Cumulative effects of consecutive running sessions on hemolysis, inflammation and hepcidin activityPeeling P, Dawson B, Goodman C, Landers G, Wiegerinck ET, Swinkels DW, Trinder D. Eur J Appl Physiol 2009;106(1):51-9.
Correlates of hepcidin and NTBI according to HFE status in patients referred to a liver centreRyan E, Ryan JD, Russell J, Coughlan B, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW, Stewart S, Crowe JP. Acta Haematol 2015;133(2):155-61.
Acute acetaminophen intoxication leads to hepatic iron loading by decreased hepcidin synthesisvan Swelm RP, Laarakkers CM, Blous L, Peters JG, Blaney Davidson EN, van der Kraan PM, Swinkels DW, Masereeuw R, Russel FG. Toxicol Sci 2012;129(1):225-33.
Intra-graft expression of genes involved in iron homeostasis predicts the development of operational tolerance in human liver transplantationBohne F, Martínez-Llordella M, Lozano JJ, Miquel R, Benítez C, Londoño MC, Manzia TM, Angelico R, Swinkels DW, Tjalsma H, López M, Abraldes JG, Bonaccorsi-Riani E, Jaeckel E, Taubert R, Pirenne J, Rimola A, Tisone G, Sánchez-Fueyo A. J Clin Invest 2012;12
Serum ferritin levels are associated with vascular damage in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseValenti L, Swinkels DW, Burdick L, Dongiovanni P, Tjalsma H, Motta BM, Bertelli C, Fatta E, Bignamini D, Rametta R, Fargion S, Fracanzani AL. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2011;21(8):568-75.
Hepcidin in the management of patients with mild non-hemochromatotic iron overload: Fact or fiction?Swinkels DW, Drenth JP. J Hepatol 2008;49(5):680-5.
Oral iron supplements increase hepcidin and decrease iron absorption from daily or twice-daily doses in iron-depleted young womenMoretti D, Goede JS, Zeder C, Jiskra M, Chatzinakou V, Tjalsma H, Melse-Boonstra A, Brittenham G, Swinkels DW, Zimmermann MB. Blood 2015;126(17):1981-9.
Iron supplementation in suckling piglets: how to correct iron deficiency anemia without affecting plasma hepcidin levelsStarzyński RR, Laarakkers CM, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW, Pieszka M, Styś A, Mickiewicz M, Lipiński P. PLoS One 2013;8(5):e64022.
Plasma hepcidin is a modest predictor of dietary iron bioavailability in humans, whereas oral iron loading, measured by stable-isotope appearance curves, increases plasma hepcidin.Zimmermann MB, Troesch B, Biebinger R, Egli I, Zeder C, Hurrell RF. Am J Clin Nutr 2009;90(5):1280-7.
Hepcidin antagonism
Sustained plasma hepcidin suppression and iron elevation by Anticalin-derived hepcidin antagonist in cynomolgus monkeyHohlbaum AM, Gille H, Trentmann S, Kolodziejczyk M, Rattenstetter B, Laarakkers CM, Katzmann G, Christian HJ, Andersen N, Allersdorfer A, Olwill SA, Meibohm B, Audoly LP, Swinkels DW, van Swelm RPL. Br J Pharmacol 2018; 175(7):1054-1065
Safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the anti-hepcidin Spiegelmer lexaptepid pegol in healthy subjectsBoyce M, Warrington S, Cortezi B, Zöllner S, Vauléon S, Swinkels DW, Summo L, Schwoebel F, Riecke K. Br J Pharmacol 2016,173(10):1580-8.
Effect of the antihepcidin Spiegelmer lexaptepid on inflammation-induced decrease in serum iron in humansvan Eijk LT, John AS, Schwoebel F, Summo L, Vauléon S, Zöllner S, Laarakkers CM, Kox M, van der Hoeven JG, Swinkels DW, Riecke K, Pickkers P. Blood 2014;124(17):2643-6.
The effects of the anti-hepcidin Spiegelmer NOX-H94 on inflammation-induced anemia in cynomolgus monkeysSchwoebel F, van Eijk LT, Zboralski D, Sell S, Buchner K, Maasch C, Purschke WG, Humphrey M, Zöllner S, Eulberg D, Morich F, Pickkers P, Klussmann S. Blood 2013;121(12):2311-5.
Genetic epidemiology
Meta-GWAS and Meta-Analysis of Exome Array Studies Do Not Reveal Genetic Determinants of Serum HepcidinGalesloot TE, Verweij N, Traglia M, Barbieri C, van Dijk F, Geurts-Moespot AJ, Girelli D, Kiemeney LA, Sweep FC, Swertz MA, van der Meer P, Camaschella C, Toniolo D, Vermeulen SH, van der Harst P, Swinkels DW. PLos ONE 2016;11(11):e0166628
Associations of common variants in HFE and TMPRSS6 with iron parameters are independent of serum hepcidin in a general population: a replication studyGalesloot TE, Geurts-Moespot AJ, den Heijer M, Sweep FC, Fleming RE, Kiemeney LA, Vermeulen SH, Swinkels DW. J Med Genet 2013;50(9):593-8.
Disrupted iron regulation in the brain and periphery in cocaine addictionErsche KD, Acosta-Cabronero J, Jones PS, Ziauddeen H, van Swelm RP, Laarakkers CM, Raha-Chowdhury R, Williams GB. Transl Psychiatry 2017;7(2):e1040.
