Siem Klaver

Siem Klaver


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Publications by Siem Klaver

Provisional standardization of hepcidin assays: creating a traceability chain with a primary reference material, candidate reference method and a commutable secondary reference material Diepeveen, Laarakkers, Martos, Pawlak, Uğuz, Verberne, van Swelm, Klaver, de Haan, Pitts, Bansal, Abbas, Fillet, Lefebvre, Geurts-Moespot, Girelli, Castagna, Herkert, Itkonen, Olbina, Tomosugi, Westerman, Delatour, Weykamp, Swinkels. CCLM 2018; Epub
Diurnal rhythm rather than dietary iron mediates daily hepcidin variations Schaap CC, Hendriks JC, Kortman GA, Klaver SM, Kroot JJ, Laarakkers CM, Wiegerinck ET, Tjalsma H, Janssen MC, Swinkels DW. Clin Chem 2013;59(3):527-35.
Improved mass spectrometry assay for plasma hepcidin: detection and characterization of a novel hepcidin isoform Laarakkers CM, Wiegerinck ET, Klaver S, Kolodziejczyk M, Gille H, Hohlbaum AM, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW. PLoS One 2013;8(10):e75518.
Serum hepcidin: reference ranges and biochemical correlates in the general population Galesloot TE, Vermeulen SH, Geurts-Moespot AJ, Klaver SM, Kroot JJ, van Tienoven D, Wetzels JF, Kiemeney LA, Sweep FC, den Heijer M, Swinkels DW. Blood 2011;117(25):e218-25.
(Pre)analytical imprecision, between-subject variability, and daily variations in serum and urine hepcidin: implications for clinical studies Kroot JJ, Hendriks JC, Laarakkers CM, Klaver SM, Kemna EH, Tjalsma H, Swinkels DW. Anal Biochem 2009;389(2):124-9.

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